Made Remarkable Podcast with Kellee Wynne

5 Stumbling Blocks that Keep You from Making Money in Your Creative Business (Replay) (#125)

Kellee Wynne Episode 125

"Being more of you is actually giving permission to others to be more of themselves, to feel safe with you, and to be aligned with you and see themselves, in the work that you're creating." - Kellee Wynne

We are putting Kellee on replay today, to talk about some of the biggest challenges that artists, creatives, and entrepreneurs face. Kellee opens up about the life lessons she's learned from selling her art, navigating the different niches of her business, and her aspirations for the future. This episode is too good not to play on repeat! 

Let's dive into the five stumbling blocks that might be preventing you from earning a solid, healthy income in your business. 

  1. Clarity - It’s crucial to have a clear business model. Often called "The Power of One," this concept emphasizes focusing on one offer, one customer, and one marketing channel.
  2. Capacity - Focus on what only you can do and delegate the rest. Embrace the DADA principle: Delete, Automate, Delegate, and Absorb.
  3. Consistency - Consistency is key. It’s better to show up consistently than to make a big splash and then disappear.
  4. Confidence - Imposter syndrome is real, but you can break through it each time you level up. 
  5. Circle of Influence - Surround yourself with the right people. Your network can make or break you, so choose wisely and find support among like-minded, creative peeps.

Do you feel overwhelmed, even though you love what you do? Do you feel like you're not meeting your own standards for success? Kellee's system can help you see your business flourish without adding more hours to your workload. Join us in simplifying systems, attracting the right customers, and embracing the remarkable potential within you. Let's create a space where your art and entrepreneurial spirit can flourish.

Join Build It Remarkable TODAY! (Doors close June 30, 2024)

What would you do if you knew you could not fail? Rethink the possibilities with your Creative Business in 2024, let's create Big Audacious Dreams together!
✨Download my free guide: 100 Ways to Build Your Creative Business Today

For transcripts, more links mentioned in the episode, and for the full episode show notes 👉 TAP HERE

Follow Kellee on Instagram @kelleewynne
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